
Samantha & Jean-Luc Schaefer

Samantha & Jean-Luc Schaefer
Samantha & Jean-Luc Schaefer
July 12, 2023

I adopted Jean-Luc from a shelter almost 2 years. He’s FIV+ and he’s turning 7 years old in August.

The day I got him I asked the people at the shelter what food they were giving him and they said dry food and I thought okay sure so I fed him dry food for the first month. Then I started doing some research and learnt about wet food and the benefits of doing so and ever since that day hes been eating wet food but trying to find the best wet food was so overwhelming UNTIL I found Michelle on TikTok! I did the consultation and all the information I learned about wet food/ raw food and vitamins and just how to keep him healthy was such a relief and it feels so good to know I’m doing the best and proving the best quality food and life for him